Birmingham Motorcycle Live at The NEC - Lid Lamps Limited

🏍️ What an exhibition!! 🔥
This blog post is more of a thanks to all of you plus a little sum up of how we got on. To all of you who purchased a Lid Lamp at the NEC Motorcycle Live show in Birmingham over the last couple of weeks, we appreciate your support so much. Also, a massive thanks to all of you who came and chatted to us, gave us your thoughts about our lamps, every piece of feedback is greatly received.
We love to see where your lamps will live, so please don't forget to send your images/videos to us, either by email or you can tag us on social media using @LidLampsLimited or #LidLamps!!
As a small, family run business your thoughts and support mean the world to us, so thank you from all of us at the Lid Lamps company 😊
In terms of sales, we were impressed to see at the top of the leader board, colour wise, was our Blue Lid Lamp, you guys really love the shade of blue and how it looks lit up and also turned off! We put a lot of time and effort into ensuring that we picked the right shade of each colour for our lamps (believe us when we say, we never knew how many different shades of each colour there were and how difficult it was to get the perfect one! But we feel we achieved this, and the hard work is paying off!)
Next in line of popularity, was our striking Green Lid Lamp, you guys went crazy for its neon appeal (the shade complimenting one of the most popular motorbike brands out there!). This one is close to our hearts and has its place in our family home, in our son, Freddies bedroom, of course! 😁 We knew you'd love this one as much as we all do - how could you not?!
Third in line was our Red/Orange Lid Lamp, the first few days of the exhibition, this was the biggest seller, flying off our shelves! We can't wait to see your photos of these unique lamps in your homes.
Close in Fourth was our beautiful White Lid Lamp, its stunning fresh shade of white has always been a popular choice. Lots of people claiming - I'm more likely to get away with the White in the living room! No comment from us.......😂Alot of you still favour this as your favourite, completely customizable with stickers, signatures and more! It's one of those 'classic' items that really does compliment the space it is used in, wherever that may be.
And last but of course, not least.... coming in close behind, the Pink Lid Lamp!! Now we know that a lot of people are slightly, let's say 'anti-pink' but this lamp has even had some of you, shocking yourselves with how much you love this under rated little lamp!! It is such a vibrant colour, and illuminated becomes a complete show stopping piece for your office/house/man cave/girl cave accessory!! Admit it... pink is pretty cool!
To sum it all up, you guys are amazing! Without you'd we'd of course, be nothing! So again, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts, your continued support is just incredible 😍
We cannot wait to get back out to exhibitions around the UK in 2023, please follow our socials for updates and offers and ping us a message anytime and don't forget to show us your Lid Lamps in their new pride of place!!
With love...The Lid Lamps Family x